Services Overview
The following API documentation has been developed to help you quickly find information specific to a Clinical Office Angular Data Service you may be researching for your current MPage project. This Angular Service documentation assumes you have a working knowledge of Angular and MPage Development with Clinical Office:MPage Edition.
If you are new to Angular and/or Clinical Office, we highly suggest your start with our Online Training Course before continuing with the service documentation.
Data services act as the bridge between your Angular application and Cerner CCL. There are two types of data service in Clinical Office:MPage Edition. At the core of your application, the mPageService is responsible for communicating directly with CCL. Other than initializing your MPage, you will likely not directly access the mPageService anywhere else in your application.
The majority of data access will be performed through the various Cerner model services (e.g. PersonSevice, EncounterService, CustomService, etc.). Each of these services are listed on the left in the Services Menu.