Introduction to AngularMPage Training1. Getting Started2. Appointment Data Service3. Test CCL Script4. Appointment CCL Script5. Appointments Table6. Adding Prompts - Part 17. Adding Prompts - Part 28. Adding Prompts - Part 38. ConclusionArchive - V3 Slides
Your first MPage with Clinical Office: MPage Edition and Angular is now complete however there is still more you can do to make your Appointment MPage even more useful to your organization.
- Using the <ng-container></ng-container> element you can present your users with a custom message if no data is returned by the "appointments" custom service call.
- You can add functionality that triggers a screen of appointment details when the user clicks an appointment row on the table using the "clickRow" emitter. Instructions on this can be found in the MPageTable documentation.
- You can deploy your MPage to PowerChart so people can start using it. Instructions for compiling your MPage and deploying it to PowerChart can be found in our Deployment Documentation .
Thank you
We hope you have enjoyed this training, and we invite you to watch this space for new material that will be developed on a regular basis. There are so many incredible MPages that can be developed, and it is our goal to help you gain the skills needed to take on any MPage project.